I sorta' wanted to sit down and experience the intended purpose of this installation. I guess the white tape around the chair was trying to say something.

But directly across the chair was a distorted and torn drivers license of a mystery woman. It was haunting, odd, cool, gripping, cold, tranquil, and eerie all rolled up in a burrito.

Like I was saying, there was a moving piece that immediately caught my attention. The girl in the video was talking directly at the lens of the camera speaking in some foreign Asian language and cursing her guts out in broken English. Tears rolled down her face as I was running out of the door scared with pee in my pants.

Alright, I'll shut up now.

Probably one of my favorite pieces out of all of 'em. I know it's yours, too.

Kudos to the person whose show this is because I forgot to even look at the artist. Sucky me.
by derekwong