Check out this rad unicorn I painted in Lake Tahoe a few years back. Yeah, I just said a FEW years back.

Back in high school, I wore the shiniest necklace in the hallways. Also, the "fakest" necklace in the hallways. Cubic zirconia rules. Please don't say "bling-bling".

While the other kids were reading Of Mice and Men and To Kill A Mockingbird in English class, I was actually reading this.

Whatever happened to buying CD's? No, scratch that, whatever happened to buying cassette tapes?!?! Way back when, Dimple Records was our local music shop we would run to. First tape every purchased? Try Busta Rhymes - Woo Hah!! (Got You All in Check). Man, I wish I still had that tape. I bet some kid scored it at one of our family garage sales.

Remember this brand? Southpole is still one the grimiest and dirtiest clothing establishments today.

But after the Southpole craze died down, Eminem came out with his own clothing brand, Shady Limited. Because I was such a diehard fan of his, I even tried to look like him. Brownie points if anyone has pictures of me with bleach-blond hair.

What kid didn't like hot babes with no clothes on? Come on, I know you had a poster like this on your wall.

Proper at a young age.

by derekwong