Monday, January 26, 2009


Saturday was Santa Barbara Day. Since Kyle is getting ready for his second showing in Chinatown, it was time he got his all of his (new) work together and prepared for the special occasion. Remember the last post where I said we'll see our friends in the near future? Well, a weekend later was exactly I was talking about.

Look who was there ready for action.

And look who WASN'T ready for action.

Ran upstairs to drop a line to none other than Zachary Watkins. Always a pleasure sir. And if he's reading this, Won Kok this Saturday. Be there or be a square bear.

James Hanna came through at the end. Same as applies to you about this weekend. Maybe this time we won't get booted out the front door. Balls.


First stop, Rudy's. Kyle continues to state that this is the best Mexican restaurant in Santa Barbara...

I believe him. Try to find the enchilada and taco in there somewhere. I think it was in there.

Since our last visit, Jamba Juice moved and made room for Pinkberry. I'll give you a pink berry...

If you can see to the left, Justin had his video recording spinning throughout the day. Look out for that post coming soon over at his place of feature.

Oh yeah readers, everyone meet Heather; Heather meet everyone. Now, everyone say hello to Pinkberry's cute toys selling for over $389,743,784,353 dollars a pop.

Next stop, Jefferson campus. This is the place where mounting happens and a library as small as my bathroom is located. Seriously.

The BEST thing about Santa Barbara is Justin's studio. There you can find every video game console possible. Look under his bed next to his dirty gay-porn magazines and BAM! Another console you didn't know he had. That and every video game to go with it.

Last stop, Chili's. Funny story that happened that night. Ryan ordered the buffalo chicken sandwich. When his order came, he almost broke his jaw trying to bite down on the bun. Long story short, he got a free meal and free desert on the messed up order. What we didn't know was that all of our deserts would have been free. I dig free stuff.

See those two girls at our table? You've probably recognized them from something else.

See you guys this weekend.

by derekstars