Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Did you see the quick video? Good, then you're familiar with the little project I've been working on lately. Starting today, every Tuesday I'll be posting an image that coincides with a story that can be found in "Too Dark In Heaven". I'll keep the details about the book bleak for now, but along with the piece of art, I'll be posting a short excerpt as well.

So introducing the first from the 14 part series, "The Disappearing Clouds". Welcome to Too Dark Tuesdays.

There was no wind. A sour breeze makes my eyes water – don’t tell me anything or don’t even mention her name. Within dreams, the notes of a sweet song hum to the beat of her voice. Now they’re nightmares, only unconscious memories of vivid sounds of her voice in the distance. I can see her face, her hair blowing in the wind, and her voice asking, “What in the world are you looking at?” Everything, I responded back.

by derekwong