Thursday, April 22, 2010


Now that the monkey is off my back, I'll start yapping away.

"Identity Systems" this term was a toughy. Dealing with branding,
crazy corporate design guidelines, and let alone revitalizing a city sounds wild. But it was a great challenge week after week, and I was up for it. What other way can I grow as a designer than to face such a difficult task to take upon in identity design?
I chose to mess with Camden, New Jersey. Camden has been one of the most dangerous and poorest cities in America, a destination that scares visitors away and makes residents weary of their lifestyles. I'm no politician or anything, but this place is in need for a change. I didn't know what I was getting into. And I was fine with that.

Sorry, no detail shots of my project. But if you look closer, my table is to the right there.
Colton gives it up to Detroit, while David throws up Memphis. Yeah, that's a sewer cover. Yeahhhhhh. Melissa says hello to Houston, and Mike gives a high-five to Anchorage, Alaska. Oh, I thought I shot more. Nevermind.

by derekwong