Everyday should be Mother's Day. I think we all have to agree that only one day out of the year shouldn't be dedicated for our love to the woman who gave us life. Instead, every single day should be our contemplation for the care and support our mother's constantly give us. Unconditionally. No matter the costs.
My Mom has been there with me through the thick and thin, right by my side. Even if the agony I caused was too much to manage, she was still there without any hesitation whatsoever. That is one thing I will always cherish about my Mother. She will stand by my side and hold out her hand with compassion. Unfortunately, I only get to see my Mother around 5 times a year. Though we are 400 miles away from each other, we will always be connected through love. Eternally. In our hearts. As one.
As I sit here in my apartment writing this, I know my Mom is nowhere near me. I know she is breathing, talking, touching and working strenuous to help provide a better life for me. Sometimes I forget what day it is. Sometimes I forget to call my family back on the weekends. But one thing I will always remember is my Mother standing here. By my side. As I will be by hers with an open hand.
by derekwong