Tuesday, April 28, 2009


Good man/ good friend, Justin Saiki, graduated from Brooks this past weekend. It's always a great pleasure to get out of this busy city, drive a couple hours up north and land in the beautiful city of Santa Barbara with the original bunch of kids.

Kyle first started the tradition 3 sessions ago with a celebration lunch at Chili's right after the big ceremony. Second, it was Rachel if you remember. And now it's Justin's turn. Next up is Big Show's graduation. See you in two months back at this very Chili's. Hopefully the same hostess is working...

Monkey Jen.

Mama Trish.
Julianne looks like a model.
Ada looks tiny standing next to Ryan. Actually, EVERYONE looks tiny standing next to Ryan.
True story: Julianne handed all of us big loses in Wii Boxing. But I handed everyone a 190 score in Wii Bowling. See me.

Zach was M.I.A. at Chili's but that didn't stop us from seeing this cool guy. He walked outside, shirtless and shoeless with an apple in hand. Too Zachary.

One thing I learned about Z. Reed is he collects weird things. His house is stored with random "junk" worth a double glance as you scratch your head in wonder and chuckle a bit.
Pit-stop. You figure out the store...
Now figure out the restaurant.
I think you know Denise. If you don't, well, that sucks for you.

For all the new "birdies" to Santa Barbara, Freebirds is that joint you have to go to. The nachos are a double serving of goodness, the burrito resembles a balloon and it's the perfect late-night spot to soak up all that 210 ounces of alcohol from that UCSB party down the street.

Steak quesarito. Let me quickly explain as Ryan introduced me to this tasty food figurine. It's essentially a rolled up quesadilla as they grill the outside of the burrito and the melted cheese oozes like it's never oozed before. It's equipped with lettuce, cheese, pico de gallo, cilantro, sour cream, refried beans, rice and salsa. Is your mouth watering yet?


by derekstars